Here's a list of what I currently need-these are both prayer needs and physical needs. And in advance, thank you for helping out! You are an awesome person, unidentified reader! To see how you can start supporting me today, scroll down to the bottom of the page for more information.
Prayer Needs
- The basic parental package: wisdom, patience, fortitude, etc. I've only been a parent for a year and I have eleven kids; please, help me out. Pray for me. If you're a parent yourself, even better. You already know what I need.
- Direction: For any of you who haven't hit your twenties yet, I wish you luck. Because even though I'm down here, serving, I still have some serious doubts some days, not just about my life right now, but for my future. Please pray for direction, that God would lead me in the direction that HE'S choosing, not the one that I'M choosing, in His time and in His way.
- Patience: I know that patience is on this list already, but that was in regards to the kids and dang it, I need a lot more patience in my life. There are so many things that I want to accomplish, and I' I'm here serving, I'm here where God has put me, I'm doing what I should be doing, yes-to all of the above. But I don't know how sane people process this emotion I'm about to describe, or if they even feel it, but I just feel like my inner six-year-old is bouncing inside me going "I'm bored!" "I want an adventure!" "Let's go do something!" You should know, I don't listen to the inner six-year-old, but that doesn't mean that kid ever shuts up. So please, pray that I would have patience and would be able to wait on God instead of listening to the suggestions of immaturity.
- Love: this one should basically be every Christian's mantra, but MAN, do I need more love in my life. I'm not even going to get started, because this is a whole blog theme I'm planning on getting into soon, but let's just go with Alisha's not as loving as she should be and leave it there for now, okay? Because its so, so true. So pray that God would give me some more love.
- Support/Provision: Alisha, I want to support you but I don't have any money. HAH! You can pray my support in with me-and, if you don't have any money, I'll pray for you, too, and God will bless us both. Please pray that God would meet my need for support, that He would provide for my missions trip, and that He would just take care of me financially and continue to show me exactly who's in control (hint: it's not Alisha. It's never Alisha. *dramatic sigh*)
- Husband: Yes, you can laugh at me. But laugh as you pray, because I would actually like to get married. And I could (and have been) praying myself for my husband, that he would be awesome, that God would just be in his life, and that one of us would find the other someday soon, but seriously, why should I be the only one praying that my super-awesome husband would show up? Here are all you lovely people who want to pray for me, so here were go, here's a need: I need a husband. It's official. And just me praying, that's good. But what's louder, one person praying, or a whole bunch of people praying? See? Common sense. Pray that God would bless my husband, that he would deepen His relationship with him, that God would strengthen and protect him for the work He has for him, and that the Lord would lead us together. Soon.
Physical Needs
- As a missionary, I am completely dependant on the genorosity of my friends, family and partners in this journey. My budget is $600/mo, and this covers:
- $150/mo room & board at Esperanza Viva-Puebla
- $25/mo immigration lawyer fee
- $320/mo in student loans (short answer as so why I'm down here with so much in student loans: 1. Because God is good 2. Because I studied Missions in school, as well as Teaching English as a Foreign Language, so it makes sense)
- $105/mo for groceries, trips, saving money in case of emergency, etc.
- Computer: At some point, I estimate next summer (2015) I will be needing a new computer. I currently have a $400 Toshiba Satellite that I bought at Walmart when my computer died during my junior year of college. So, this computer is now about 4 years old, and while it still (usually) works well, I think a new one will soon be in order. The goal is to buy something a little higher end than a Toshiba, just because I work off of my computer in the office, so it gets used for work as well as for my personal use. I bring it with me where ever I go, I often use it for storage and need something that is a little more international than my current computer. As I said, this is really in anticipation of the need, rather than being a need in itself, but if you would like to help my computer fund, please send a donation marked 'Computer Fund' in the memo line.
If you would like to donate and keep Alisha in Mexico, there are several ways you can do so:
- Electronic donations: Click here to go to and see my profile on the International Missionary Support page. There are two green buttons under the picture labeled "Support" and "Support Monthly." When you are prompted to give a description of your giving, please label it as "Support," "Nicaragua," or "Computer Fund" as it applies to you.
- Donations via Check: If you would like to send a check, please make it out to Living Hope International. In a note included with the check, please write "Alisha Tomsen-Support," "-Nicaragua," or "-Computer Fund" as it applies to you. For your donation to be tax deductible, please do not write my name in the memo line of the check. Checks should be mailed to:
P.O. Box 116
West Bend, WI 53095
Thanks, guys!
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