Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The Only Thing Certain is Change

To my estimable readers,

Some of you more observant readers may have noticed the changes to PovertyBecomesYou. This is because I just recently watched a very interesting tutorial about blogger, and I’m now an expert/professional. Well, that’s not true, but I did watch a tutorial and change the way I’m doing things.

Therefore, if you would like to know more about exactly what kind of person Alisha is and what she does at Esperanza Viva, you can click the Who Am I? page. For information about how you can support me financially or through prayer down here in Mexico, click Needs. If you would like to know more about the ministry I’m affiliated with or visit their links, I’ve include that on the Living Hope International page. Finally, my ‘What’s Next’ page gives you all of the information you could possible need to know about what my plans for visiting MN are, what I have planned for missions trips, and some fundraisers I’m planning (you can also feel free to contact me to volunteer and help with the fundraisers!). I also considered adding a ‘What’s Alisha Reading’ page, but figured it would eventually take over the entire blog. I think by now you have a pretty good idea of what a voracious bibliophile I am.

The sudden flurry of changes on my blog made me think about what exactly I’m trying to say with this site I’ve got going here. I mean, I’m a big fan of Alisha’s adventures in Mexico, don’t get me wrong, but I think a blog with a name like PovertyBecomesYou should probably be about a little more than that, don’t you? And, since so many of you have let me know in various ways that you’re secretly wishing deep down in your souls for more content, I think that’s the direction we’re headed. While my main goal for this blog is to keep my friends and supporters updated on what’s going on with me and my girls, I like to think that there’s a bigger purpose I could be using it for. And while I feel (occasionally) as though I’m just throwing more kindling on the eternal flame of the internet, I’m going to ignore that feeling and just go ahead and do it anyway.

I don’t know how many of you are reading this (although I always assume my mother is; hi mom!) or how many people read this blog on a normal bases, but I a couple of months ago I wrote a post that was called #dreambigorgohome. This blog just basically shared my heart about how I feel about child poverty and a few other choice topics, along with what I plan to do about it. Since I feel that speaking out against the atrocities that are happening in this world is one of first steps to ending them, I’m going to start including stories that I find around the web on this site. Hopefully this will help to bring awareness and action against the evils of hunger, slavery, poverty, and hopelessness.

I am also going to try to blog with a little more frequency, and branch out from just talking about myself and the ministry. Frankly, I think I’m one of the more selfish people in the world, and I think it would be good to get the spotlight off of me for a while. But don’t worry! I’ll be keeping my monthly spotlights on one of my kids and continue to write on the themes of missionary work, spiritual life, and how much harder life is than I ever thought it would be. My goal is to round things out.

One last thing, guys. I’d really like to grow this blog, and get some more people reading it. If you would like to subscribe to PovertyBecomesYou by email, I also added a gadget that does that, located on the upper right side of the blog. Please tell your friends about this blog, like and share it on Facebook, and subscribe to it. And thank you for taking the time to read this relatively boring but fairly informative post about the future of this blog!


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